Wednesday, August 6, 2008

7 Months

My baby. Such a busy little bug. I'm pretty sure it's been a while since I updated you on her bag of tricks so here is the latest:

She realized popping up on her hands and knees gives her a whole new perspective on the world. Peas, good - cereal, bad.
Scrunching up her face does not keep Lola from going in for the Big Lick.
The Big Lick sometimes causes hives (of course that is the trait she inherits from me).
Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Momma has 2 ears...both of which come with a diamond.
Dada does a monkey impersonation worthy of an Oscar nomination.
Target is even better than Momma said it was going to be.
Shopping carts - dude, shopping carts rule.
You smile at the world and the world will smile back at you - especially if you're a little bundle of joyful chub.

I would insert a photo here but I can't get it to work. And I would have put an expletive between "can't" and "get" but I'm trying to live cleaner these days.

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