Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A quickie

Last 10 days:

Saw Tift Merrit at the NCMA - love her!
Granny came for a visit - love her too!
Am missing my Bug a lot these days.
Friday, was headed to Maine.
Saturday, trip to Maine cancelled.
Have to travel for work tomorrow - first overnight stay away from the Bug.
Wipeout is my weekly laugh therapy.
Taught Brantley some dance moves I learned from "So You Think You Can Dance". She especially liked my Popping.
Hired a house cleaner - love, love her!
Brantley left this morning for the Funny Farm with one tooth, came home with two.
Bought Puma's - they make me run fast.
Cried multiple times. Why? you ask. Hormones? I'm crazy? I'm a mom? I'm a working mom? All of the above? I don't know...

Gotta pack.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Micheal Phelps

7 golds?!? Seriously? And counting...

Year 3

This week was our anniversary. I knew the date was fast approaching and thought about it fairly often - what should I get Matt, I can't believe it's been 3 years, we've accomplished quite a bit in 3 years, I would marry him again today (even knowing what I know about him), should I tell him the date is approaching or should I not? I decided not. Until the day before. He had no idea. This does not bother me at all. One more reason why I'm one of the coolest wives ever.

I do love this man. I love the baby that we created and the life we have together. People weren't joking around when they said marriage is work but it is the best, most meaningful, most rewarding work I've ever done. I would not trade this life, this man, I have for anything.

I wouldn't even take a less farty version of this man. Yes, I love him that much.

Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch

It's Friday night and I'm at home blogging (shocker) but I'm proud to say that there is a good reason this is my activity of choice for this start-to-the-weekend-if-you-were-a-cool-kid-you'd-be-out-on-the-town night: The muscles in my fingers are the only muscles in my entire body that aren't writhing in pain. Seriously.

My company is doing a really cool wellness program as an incentive for our employees to get healthy and in turn, hopefully, reduce medical claims and the ever rising cost of insurance. We've had a wellness program since I began working there 10 years ago which, until this year, consisted of $100 a year going to every employee for them to apply towards a gym membership, diet program, quit smoking program, glasses, etc. This year we stepped it up a notch. We were assessed at the beginning of the year (I was declared obese - mmm-hmmm), have wellness coaches who are available to meet with us on a monthly basis to set goals, keep us motivated, feed us healthy information, walking programs, health resources and so on. We accumulate points for things like walking, exercising, getting massages, volunteering, and eating our fiber. If you get x amount of points a month, an extra $35 shows up in your paycheck. Not too bad considering you just have to eat breakfast 5 times a week to get your points for the month. Luckily they don't deduct you for eating 2 breakfasts every morning which is the program I've opted for. I can't help it - I'm STARVING!

So, yesterday, Wellness Coach Erin was in town and we had her for 30 minutes to do whatever - talk about goals, nutrition or workout. Jessica and I decided to workout and John ended up joining us as well. This is where I started hurting. She had us do 4 exercises for 1 minute each and then rest for 1 minute. We were all screaming for our Mommas by the end. I love and hate Wellness Coach Erin at the same time. There are many great things about this deal: Discovered John is a big whiner, Jessica and I totally kicked his arse. The 30 minutes is fast and furious - it doesn't even feel like you're working out...well, you definitely FEEL it but you're not hating it. Wellness Coach Erin caught us up on the dating world and I again thanked God that I am not in it. I felt like I was going to barf at the end. Seriously. That isn't a "great thing about this deal" but it's the truth and we're not holding anything back here.

So, today, ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch. It has gotten progressively worse. And the longer I sit, the more it hurts when I try to walk. Note the word "try" there. I'm not sure my method of getting to point A to point B is considered a walk exactly. It's a little reminescent of a donkey in labor. I've never actually seen that but I imagine that is what I look like.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

7 Months Con't

I'm able to post pictures. All is right in the world again.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

7 Months

My baby. Such a busy little bug. I'm pretty sure it's been a while since I updated you on her bag of tricks so here is the latest:

She realized popping up on her hands and knees gives her a whole new perspective on the world. Peas, good - cereal, bad.
Scrunching up her face does not keep Lola from going in for the Big Lick.
The Big Lick sometimes causes hives (of course that is the trait she inherits from me).
Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Momma has 2 ears...both of which come with a diamond.
Dada does a monkey impersonation worthy of an Oscar nomination.
Target is even better than Momma said it was going to be.
Shopping carts - dude, shopping carts rule.
You smile at the world and the world will smile back at you - especially if you're a little bundle of joyful chub.

I would insert a photo here but I can't get it to work. And I would have put an expletive between "can't" and "get" but I'm trying to live cleaner these days.