Thursday, December 30, 2010

Got A Little Story For Ya

Matt, in a very rare instance, left the door unlocked while, er, peeing the other day. Brantley, with her normal disregard for closed doors or other people's privacy, walked in. The conversation that followed went something like this:

Brantley: "Dada, why are you peeing out of your bellybutton?"

Matt (turning his back to her best he could): "Brantley, wait outside for Daddy."

Brantley (VERY concerned): "But Dada, why you pee out of your bellybutton? Why Daddy? (Touching her bottom) I pee out of my bottom Dada."

Three days later when she is getting ready to go potty:

Brantley: "Momma, Dada pees out of his bellybutton."

Me: "Oh really?"

Brantley: "He pushes on his belly and pee comes out of his bellybutton. That's how he does it."

Love my girl!!

Coming Soon

I guess I should make an official announcement here that the Helbig's are expanding. Hard to believe (and unsettling, exciting, nerve-wracking, hopeful...) that Matt and I will be the parents of two children. Two. Not one, but two. I know for many people two is a walk in the park, easy breezy. But oh-my-goodness I just don't know how we will do it. I know we WILL do it and it will be wonderful - I'm just missing the "HOW" part. The logistics. The PLAN. The routine. And how to make the routine seem not so, well, routine.

I think this recent development of anxiety is due to the non-stop pace my life seems to have taken on the past couple of months. It just so happened that work and personal family / home life decided to kick it up a notch at the same time. I am usually good if it is one or the other but both gets me a bit on edge. Like wake up in the middle of night and go over and over and over scenario A, B, and C again and again and again...

But let's be clear here - I am so thankful for this anxiety and sleepless nights because of what it is all stemming from. Another baby girl. A sweet sister for my little B. Another round of first smiles, words, steps, and birthdays. Another reason to celebrate the life Matt and I are creating together. Oh yes, I am so looking forward to bringing this little one into our family and growing our hearts again.

Worth it. Every little bit.

Brooke Jordan Helbig - coming March (or April?) 2011.