Friday, May 23, 2008

You Dern Goat!

Our new favorite show? My Big Redneck Wedding. 2 minutes into the current episode: goat eats wedding arch, guy proposed at a gas station, 15 month old daughter needs to get used to snakes (she does live in the country afterall), "I need dem hogs. They are the main source of meat for the wedding." "That's Georgia style y'all!" Brantley has more teeth than the groom...and, wait for it, bride got her nails done at Walmart! Who knew? Oh, now they're going mud boggin. Oh, so sad. Did you notice the date of this post? It's Friday night. That's right. Monica, you want to hang with the cool kids? Come on over.

1 comment:

big D wilsons said...

sweet! i'm there. on this lovely saturday night, i have watched 'the bee movie' and am just checking in before i go to bed. cool kids, here i come!