Saturday, May 17, 2008

This is how we roll

Matt is fishing this weekend so Brantley and I hit the art festival going on downtown. The weather was glorious, we saw some really fabulous pieces from some talented artists and grabbed my favorite sandwich - grilled cheese with avocado and tomato - for lunch. Yum. Clearly the whole experience took its toll on the Bugster.

I'm glad to report that Matt is re-employed. Yay! Let's keep our fingers crossed that this one sticks - at least for a few years. I have to say that it has been a little stressful being a one income family. Monetarily we weren't worried. Let's just say it will be nice not to be the only adult getting up and getting going in the morning. And surely the fights over who should make coffee will end. That isn't to say that Matt not working has its perks - he performed quite a few honey-do tasks which I'm really thankful for. I should have made more. Oh yeah, he doesn't start his new job until June. Where's is my pen?

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