At this rate, every entry is going to be labeled "Catch Up". Anyway, here we go...
At the end of June, my parents started their 4 week East Coast Tour. They were totally road tripping which I think is great. They were here, VA, the Jersey Shore with old friends, camping with my sister and the girls and the beach with Matt, Brantley and I. I want to go on a road trip.
The last weekend they were here was for Brantley's baptism. Trudi, Doug and the girls came in as well as Godmother Erin and Godfather JC. Brantley did fantastic during the service. It was right during her normal nap time so I was expecting the worse but we didn't hear a peep out of her and she ended the service nestled up on Erin's lap asleep - so cute. She really prefers to fall asleep in bed on her own which is wonderful but sometimes I wish she would snuggle a little more. So Erin got a rare moment which was really sweet. Everyone came back to the house afterwards for BBQ and hamburgers. Jackie came to both the service and lunch - she was proud of her girl.

Our week at the beach went by way too quickly. Matt got us settled into the condo but had to come back home to work. So it was just me and my babe for a few days which I loved. I had no idea she tends to squeal and talk ALL day. We took walks, we made it down to the beach by ourselves, toting umbrella and baby supplies and all. Getting down to the beach, blanket laid out, umbrella staked, lotion on, toys available - not a problem. How to pack it all up on this pretty breezy day without dumping baby in the sand or dumping sand in the baby - problem. Luckily, a really nice family was close by who aided in the endeavor. So nice.

Mom and Dad came in on Wednesday, Matt returned on Thursday, M&D left on Saturday and we left on a rainy Sunday. It is much easier to leave the beach on a rainy day.
Took bug on her first run. If I were hip I would put an "OMG" right here. Does running 3 miles pushing a jogging stroller equal about 10 miles? I think so. She did great - didn't even break a sweat in her workout outfit.

Last week, was Brantley's 6 month check up and shots. She must have known it was coming b/c she woke up screaming (which she never does) at 4:00 the night before. She finally went back down at 6:00, just in time for me to get in the shower and start the day. The mean people at the doctor's office stabbed her little sweet legs 3 times with 10 inch needles. Why do they have to do that to a little girl? I know it's better than the alternative but the poor thing. It got her all of sorts and the rough jagged tooth tearing through her delicate, soft, pink gums was not helping the situation. But, we have rounded the corner and ended the week on a much better note. She is back to her normal squealy self. Praise God.
I have a huge case of the Monday dreads. Huge.
seriously - she is SOO DARN BEAUTIFUL!! LOVE HER!
yep, i figure if we train while pushing a stroller, we'll win the real thing!
by the way, no wonder you aren't blogging, you guys are having too much fun !!
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