I've been fighting it for years but it has come time to accept the cold hard truth - my intentions are admirable, my follow through, well, it sucks. It's been 5 months since my first and only entry on this blog. I guess I should cut myselft a break since I do have a 3 month old and have just recently gone back to work full time. I'm reminded of my dear friend Monica's wise words when we just young college students - "Do it, then talk about it." I guess she had to learn something in her 8 years of higher education (sorry Mon!).
On to the good stuff - we love our Mini McGee. She is such a happy baby and we have both been pleasantly surprised at how easy she has been. Don't get me wrong - it has been an adjustment, a major adjustment, but every day is easier and just when we think we can't love her any more. we wake up and we do. Love, love, love it!
Lola and GG are digging her too. Lola never passes up the opportunity to steal her socks right off her feet. This is especially entertaining for Lola and I - Brantley is not too sure what is going on. Gunner is still our gentle giant. The first few weeks of Brantley's life, he would lay outside her nursery every time I fed her. Very sweet. He still needs to practice sharing his bed but he'll get there.
Do other new moms feel like they're on crack or is it just me? We've been blessed in the fact that Brantley started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks so it isn't that I'm sleep deprived. It's quite the opposite. I feel like I'm more efficient now than ever before. Maybe as a mom you know you have to be thinking at least 3 hours ahead, and when you're working full time, it's more like 24 hours ahead. And at least have a vague idea of what is in store for the next week. I'm waiting to crash but will ride this out and thankful for it as long as it lasts.
Speaking of crashing, I need to get some shut eye. Early call tomorrow...
1 comment:
thanks for quoting me, although agter 8 years of higher ed, you'd think i'd be wiser, making more money, or have more of a drinking problem.
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