Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Will Not Be Discouraged, It Does Not Have To Be Perfect

So, I posted an old draft of a post and this Blog thing is smart enough to put it in the order in which it was created. However, it isn't smart enough to put a space where I enter a space. Or change the font size when I change the font size. Whatever, Blog. You are not going to get me down when I've only just begun - again.

Let's Back This Bus Up.

I have been shamed (very thankfully so!) into vamping this blog up again. So we're off! Again!

I've spent a few moments reading some old posts and I will admit a few tears have been shed. Take for instance the 18 month update - I had completely forgotten all of those little tidbits. You think you will remember. But you don't. Thus the beauty of the blog.

And I had started some posts that were never posted so I'll get those up shortly. They are old but I'm in charge here and we're throwing sensibility and order out the window! Crazy, I know.

Here we go...