Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Did you know that the tiger is not the female version of the lion? Just wondering...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Luky Me.

Ahhh, thank you ladies. Your answers to my questions made me laugh and lifted a weight off of my shoulders. I don't know if things will change as she gets older, but for now I will do every other possible form of parenting/discipline that I can think of before tapping my baby - see, I can't even say the words hitting, hand-slapping, spanking when I'm talking in terms of my sweet B! I really thought about it last night and she is SUCH a good, sweet baby. And this is a normal phase for her to go through. I just don't feel right doing it but am glad I put some feelers out to get a pulse on the situation. And thank you, Di, for the no judgement comment. I can't say that I will never spank her but at this stage, that is not the path for us to go down.

And on the bright side, we're saving money on dog food. Lola and Gunner are wishing Brantley had come along much sooner.

Monday, March 16, 2009


(1) Do any of you other bloggers have as many issues as I do fomatting your blogs? Note the non-spaces between paragraphs and the different font size in "Piece de Resistance". Knowing that 3 of my 3 readers are perfectionists, this is completely unacceptable. And it makes me coocoo.

(2) How do you discipline a 15 month old who continues to swipe her food off of her plate onto the floor when she is done eating. Knowing good and well that she knows how to sign "all done"? (a) Firmly saying "no. not nice" - doesn't work. In fact, she thinks those 3 words coming out of my mouth at these instances are HILARIOUS. (b) In addition to (a), taking her dinner away - uh, yeah, that is what she wants you to do because she is ALL DONE. (c) Not reacting with any verbal cues and calmly taking dinner away - fine and dandy with the Bster. (d) Matt very firmly saying "no brantley" - quivering lip, big tears. (e) Holding her hands firmly mid-swipe - more laughter and completes the swipe the second you let go. Pisser that girl is.

(3) Given question (2), I pose question (3). Is it time to pop - swat - firmly pat her hand when she does this? Is this how I want to discipline my child? Will it teach her to hit? Have I tried enough positive reinforcement? Have I tried every other option before resorting to this one? A lot of times I can see when it is about to happen - can I intercept the the swipe before it is in full force enough times that she forgets how fun it is to throw your food on the ground? When do you put your foot down on behavior that they know is wrong and do anyway? AND WHY THE HECK DOESN'T SHE BEHAVE LIKE THIS WITH JACKIE?

(4) Why did my flickr uploader stop working and when the heck am I'm going to get that fixed?

(5) Was getting tatoos REALLY that smart?

(6) Is crying in front of your boss a sign of weakness?

(7) Who knew that being without Matt for 8 days would make me miss him this much?

(8) Who will never, ever, never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever be moving to Seattle? ME