Sunday, February 22, 2009

Piece de Resistance

She arrived. I've been waiting for weeks and she was finally delivered. I see a lot of things happening here - paying bills, which doesn't sound fun, but in addition to that, getting control of our finances, writing, getting some ideas into something more than ideas, maybe getting a baby book done for my now toddler, getting organized. It's all going down right here and I can't be more pleased.

There are a few key items to note in photo #1: the Vaseline Intensive Care Lip Therapy and the Banana Republic credit card next to the tube. We'll start with the BR CC. I am a BR fan. I'd say 99% of the time I walk into their store, I spot something I would like to purchase. Their clothes just fit me (although, something is going on with their Martin pants b/c the last couple pairs I bought, I could stuff socks down the sides into the hip area to fill them out. Now I KNOW it is not my hips that have slimmed down so it definitely is the way they are sewing those puppies up. Not a fan. But I have yet to find a suitable replacement.) So, I am such a faithful BR shopper that I am a LUXE card carrying member. Cream of the Banana Republic credit crop. Up until Friday I have enjoyed my card and the privileges that come with it. Then came my lunch hour on Friday when I decided to buy B some spring clothes from Old Navy (BR and ON are sister companies...along with Gap and Piperlime - which, if you haven't heard of Piperlime, I suggest checking them out.) I painstakingly went through the site and picked out some cute dresses for my B. Was satisfied with my Shopping Cart and excited about the 30% discount I was receiving and proceeded to Checkout.
That is when it all went wrong. My card would not work. The LUXE was denied. And I was all WHOA. NOT GOOD. I tried the whole process again thinking it was a technical glitch but alas, it was not. Something was up. I promptly logged on to my account and found everything seemed to be in order. What the heck? That night I received an automated phone call wanting to confirm that the activity on my card today was legit and there was no fraudulent activity going on. Uh, yeah, there was not only no fraudulent activity going on - there was NO ACTIVITY going on.
I try to give it another go this morning and once again, nothing. So I call customer service and she said to let's place the order over the phone. After 20 minutes of giving her the item numbers of the 12 things in my shopping cart - while Brantley is intermittently crying and feeding Gunner Cheerios - the card is denied again. ^%$@*!!! She then tells me that I won't be able to use my 30% discount b/c it is a one time only deal. Fuming, I tried in my most polite voice to inform her that I HAD NOT USED THE DISCOUNT!! Then Sophia the supervisor came on. Very professionally she said that she created a draft purchase of my items, she would transfer me to the CC department, I could get it straightened out and then they would transfer me back to her and we could complete the order. I said that sounds like a wonderful plan. But, I told her I had tried calling the CC department on Friday and was either (1) cut off or (2) not able to even get through so what was going to happen if by chance (1) or (1) were to happen again. She assured me that she would stay on the line until I was talking to a live person. I said ok. I'm ready. I wait....and wait...I ask B to please stop crying for just 5 minutes...I wait...I tell Gunner for the umpteenth time to GET OUT of the playroom...I wait...and then...BEEP - BEEP - BEEP. Oh you blankety blank blank. Earmuffs Brantley.
Screw you LUXE card. I'm not sure what it is going to take to win me back but I suggest you get your gameplan together. If is wasn't for this piece de resistance I'm sitting at, I would be so HOT.
And the Vaseline Intensive Care Lip Therapy - that, I just can't live without and have them stocked everywhere.


About 6 months ago, Brantley started pointing at the dogs and saying "Va!". We paid attention for a couple of days and decided this was her word for "dog". Then she started saying it whenever she saw a dog and whenever she got excited. But she's come back around to just using it for dog. And, I have to say, the day she begins to actually use the word "dog," I will be so sad.

Other Brantley updates:

*Pointed to the bears in "Goodnight Moon" - has been pointing to the cats for a while now.
*Barks when asked what dogs say.
*Walks! I can't believe I didn't post about her first steps and really walking...I'll try to get that down soon before the memory gets edged out by other milestones, grocery lists, and work projects.
*Signs milk, all done, hi, bye-bye, and will rub my chest to say please - sometimes
*Says "bee" for baby - and will pretend to wash her baby, "dee" for deer, "du" for duck, "da" for dada, "ma" for mamma, and a whole bunch of other sounds that we have yet to figure out.
*Oh yeah, and my favorite: "ni, ni, ni, ni" along with the two index fingers going Red Raider style.

My little bug is growing up so fast. Which is why I'm so excited about this year. My sabbatical from work has come around again (crazy!) so this May, B and I are headed to the beach for 3 glorious weeks! I cannot wait!