Almost 2 months since my last post - ugh. I was about to get upset at myself for slacking on yet another endeavor but looking back at "Par for the Course" (I would link you there but I don't have time to figure that out right now) I have let more time than this lapse between posts. So, while not good, this certainly isn't me at my worst.
So what the heck have a I been doing that has taken me away from blogdom? has picked up in the past couple of months with multiple evening functions and working through lunch. We're going to do a really quick pity party here and ask why am I always so busy at work this time of year when there is so much fun stuff to do outside of work - running season, upcoming holidays, pumpkins, mums, pansies, the state fair, football season, etc., etc., etc. Ok, party over.
I talked Matt into taking a weekend off hunting and going to visit our friends in Wilmington. So beautiful there and we had a great time. They even let us bring our 200 lbs. of Lab. Now that is what I call n-i-c-e.
Erin and her friend Naomi came a couple of weekends ago to do a practice run for next week's 1/2 marathon. They were both a little nervous about the hilly terrain here since there are 0 hills in Norfolk. They survived the hills for 8 miles and I survived pushing Brantley for 6. Just hope next week goes as well.
Matt gave up another weekend of hunting this weekend (put this in the record books ladies and gentlemen!) and I'm really thankful he did. He watched Brantley yesterday morning so I could get a 10 miler in with some friends. We went to lunch at Watkins where BLH ate her first pancake. Great until she started hacking and we thought she was going to barf (not an uncommon occurance since we started trying adult food...we never know!). Thankfully she held herself together and we are still welcome there. After an afternoon nap we went to the State Fair which is right up her alley. The girl loves to be out and about. Although Matt had given her a bath that morning I had to do the deed again - if you've ever been to a State Fair you understand why.
Sometime in the past couple of months Brantley and I headed north to walk to raise money for the VA SIDS Alliance. Hard to believe Jamie would have been 8 years old this year. They have signs along the walk with photos of all the angel babies and usually seeing these signs does pull at my heart . But this year was more like someone ripped my heart out and stomped on it a few million times. Maybe because I now have a baby of my own...maybe it was just one of those times where out of the blue you think about the unthinkable and you're just overcome. Overcome with the saddness and the loss and the why? why? why? And then Faith knocks on your door and you're so glad to welcome him in.
Photos and more news to come. Have to get some work done before the bug wakes up.
But before I leave, just want to tell Diana how much I've been thinking of her lately. Partly b/c I just don't see how she does all she does but mostly b/c her brother Christopher is fighting for our country in Iraq and I've been horrible about letting her know how thankful I am for him and that Brantley and I pray for his safe return every night. I think the general public becomes immune to the sacrifices our soldiers and their families make for us on daily basis. Shame on us. And lots of love to you, Christopher and your family.